
July 15, 2008

Welcome to the official blog of LolliShops!

Take a little look around…all of the design sweetness was generated by Heather Bluhm of Bluhm Studios and all of the tricky programming by Levi of culturezoo. I’m so excited to have this cute blog so that I can start sharing with you all the great features and surprises I’m preparing for LolliShops. The first ideal I wanted to share with you is that LolliShops is going to appeal to three kids of people.

Artist 1 wants to sell their handmade goods, vintage treasures or artistic supplies but doesn’t have the froufrou friendly marketplace to do that. That’s where LolliShops will come in. Artists can list their items for sale at a reasonable listing price and an inexpensive transaction fee–cheaper than those *other* marketplaces.

Artist 2 owns their own dot com website where they currently sell their wares but getting traffic to their websites is expensive and time consuming. Many owners of dot com websites opened shops on *other* marketplaces but it’s difficult to have enough original inventory to sell in two places. That’s where LolliShops is different–people with their own dot com websites will be able to fully participate on LolliShops and run a full boutique that helps funnel traffic back to your dot com. More details on that soon!

Artist 3 is our lovely consumer! LolliShops will offer so much more than just a place to shop. The marketplace is juried to maintain a specific look that appeals to a specific audience–that means NO CLUTTER! LolliShops will also support artists’ blogs, giveaways & swaps! This blog will be your gateway to special events, prizes, rewards, featured sellers, promotions and so much more! Make sure to bookmark for later and add it to your daily blog roll.


That’s it for today–thanks for visiting! Come back soon and don’t forget to share those scrumptious buttons in the side bar on your blogs–Thanks so much!

~Sadie Lou