Elegant Whimsy

By Laura Bray

Did you ever notice that whenever you come up with an idea that it suddenly appears everywhere? I believe it’s a sure sign that I’m in the creative “flow”. This very thing happened to me recently. I got my invitation to join LolliShops and, when I was filling out my application and saw that one of the categories was Elegant Whimsy, I nearly fell off my chair. I blogged about a new concept I thought I had invented called Elegant Whimsy in mid-July! (You can read about it here: Elegant Whimsy) As my mom says there’s nothing new in the world! When I told Sadie Lou about this coincidence, she kindly invited me to be a guest blogger to discuss Elegant Whimsy with you.

So today, I thought I would give you my take on the Elegant Whimsy lifestyle. I often come across people who say they like my artwork a lot, but are afraid it’s “too childlike or whimsical” for their décor. Then I explain that you can include whimsical in the most austere of rooms. The only rule? You have to be brave enough to do it. Haven’t you ever walked into a person’s house, saw something that seemed out of place, but it ended up being the thing you liked most about their house? Wasn’t that object what you remembered years later? That’s Elegant Whimsy. It’s sparkle and whimsy on the least expected item. It’s using old teacups as curtain tie backs and salt & pepper shakers as tassels. It’s having peanut butter & jelly sandwiches on your wedding china. Even the picture of me on this blog post, is an Elegant Whimsy story. I was at an upscale restaurant and after dinner they brought a bowl of cotton candy with the check. I’ll always remember that restaurant because of that whimsical touch.

So here’s my challenge for you. I want you to blog about living the Elegant Whimsy lifestyle. It can be something in your house, it can be something you do, just make it elegant and make it whimsical. I can’t wait to see all the great ideas! Be sure to post a comment so we can all come and visit.

To further celebrate Elegant Whimsy, I’m giving away a set of my Elegant Whimsy note cards. Simply leave a comment with a link to your Elegant Whimsy tip and we’ll draw a name on September 10th. These note cards will be in my LolliShop once the candy store opens!

If you want to read more about me and my creative journey, visit my website at Katydid Designs

With Elegance & Whimsy,

Laura Bray

katydid designs

Thanks Laura!
So just to clarify, after you read this post–you can leave a comment just to talk about what Laura said here, and you can also come back and leave a comment when your post is ready in order to be entered into the contest and so we can visit your blog. Only comments with links will be entered.
~Sadie Lou