Sweet Rewards!

July 21, 2008

I have been amazed at the amount of support I have received through LolliShops. All I did was provide some cute buttons for your blogs and you all picked them up and added them.
I have plans to reward those of you that have already done that. I have been collecting that information.
The reward will be something along the lines of free shop listings on your first day of setting up on LolliShops.

If you haven’t added a button to your blog, you can still do that and know that I am also able to collect information in the form of stats! Word Press allows me to see how people got to this blog. For instance, yesterday, someone found me by clicking a button on Lori Karla’s Blog- Faeriewindow
It would be easy for me to reward people for directing the most traffic to LolliShops.
By golly, that’s a great idea!
Stay tuned for that contest! I will ask people to do a blog post about LolliShops and then I’ll see who directed the most people over here!
Then they will get a numptious prize! Anyhoodles, I’m all about properly thanking LolliShop’s supporters–it will be an ongoing trend.
~Sadie Lou